odd_one_around wrote in cardwars Aug 10, 2015 22:22
user: kitty_fic, user: odd-one-around, user: adsullatta, user: mizz_destiny
odd_one_around wrote in cardwars May 30, 2015 19:03
user: odd-one-around, user: sucksucksmile
teaotter wrote in cardwars Apr 19, 2015 10:23
user: teaotter, user: odd-one-around, +team diamonds, +team hearts, !icons
slytheringurrl wrote in cardwars Nov 28, 2014 15:04
user: theladymore, user: odd-one-around
odd_one_around wrote in cardwars Nov 07, 2014 21:08
user: slytheringurrl, fandom: the walking dead, +team spades, user: odd-one-around, +team hearts, !icons
sucksucksmile wrote in cardwars Oct 15, 2014 08:00
user: jadeleopard, +team clubs, +team spades, user: sucksucksmile, user: raktajinos, +team diamonds, fandom: agents of shield, user: marishna, user: sietepecados, user: larmay, user: tarnisheddesire, !icons, +team hearts, user: odd-one-around, user: entwashian, user: erinm_4600
odd_one_around wrote in cardwars Oct 11, 2014 19:30
+team clubs, user: larmay, +team spades, +team hearts, !icons, fandom: arrow, user: raktajinos, user: burningchaos, user: odd-one-around, +team diamonds
sucksucksmile wrote in cardwars Jun 29, 2014 04:00
fandom: young avengers, user: sucksucksmile, fandom: captain america (film), user: justmyb0nes, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, user: mercurialdragon, fandom: the avengers (film), fandom: agents of shield, user: ofthesea, fandom: black widow, fandom: guardians of the galaxy, fandom: avengers world, fandom: avengers - fear itself, !icons, +team hearts, fandom: captain marvel, fandom: thor (film), user: odd-one-around, fandom: hawkeye, fandom: iron man (film)